Mol. Weight:220.35
CAS No.:128-37-0
Storage Temperature:20℃±4℃
Storage and handling The RM should be stored in the original sealed bottle at the temperatur given above.After use the bottle should be tightly closed and protected from moisture.
Purity:98.81% (g/g)
Expanded Uncertainty U= 0.84% (g/g)
The uncertainty of this standard is alauiated in accordance with the ISO 17034 and EURACHEM/CTAC Guide.Quantifying Uncertainty in Analytical Measurement, Second Edition. The expandeduncertainty is U(exp) = u(RM)x k where k is the coverage factor at the 95% confidence level (k=2).Uncertainty u(RM) is based on the combination of the uncertainties associated with each individualoperation involved in the analysis of the product: u(RM) =√u(char)2+ u(bb)2+ u(lts)2+ u(sts)2;u(char) is the uncertainty of purity determination; u(bb) uncertainty of homogeneity test; u(ts) uncertaintyof stability test long-term; ulsts)uncetainty of stability test short-term. U(lts) and u(sts) are not induded in the calculation as the stability! sta tement is based on real evidence opposed to simulation.
Minimum sample: 1 mg is recommended as the minimal sample amount If less materialis used,it is recommended to increase the certified uncertainty by a factor of two for half sample and a factor offour for a quarter of sample.
Intended use: Use this RM as Calibrent for chromatography or any other analytical technique.
Analytlal Data
Traceability of chromatography: To the lintemational System of Units (SI).
Column:Optima-5MS, 0.25 μm, 0.25 mm
Inj-Vol.:1 μl
Flow:1.0 ml/min
Initial Temp:60℃ for 5 min
End Temp:280℃ for 1 min
Traceabillty: The balances used are caibrated with weights traceable to the national standards (DKD).
Calibrated class A glassware is used for voumetric measurements.
Certificate Revision 1
Water Content: 0.56% (g/g) by Kalr-Fischer -Tieration (U(exp) = 0.19% (g/g)).
No chromatogram available.
ldentity: EA, NMR, RT, MS,IR
Attachment: Exemplany chromatogram of given method