Chloral Hydrate
Catalog Number: CQC-081
Hazards:Iritant, Flammable
Analyte:Chloral Hydrate
Analyte Purity :99.9%
Gravimetric Concentration (μg/L) 20.0±0.19
Acceptance Limits (μg/L) 12.0-28.0
This certified reference material (CRM) was manufactured and certified by NSI Lab Solutions according to quality procedures meeting our accreditation requirements of ISO 17034:2016 and ISO/IEC 17025:2017. Our certificates and scopes of accreditation may be viewed at
Packaging,Storage,Instructions For Use
This CRM is packaged in a flame-sealed ampule and must be stored at 15°C to 30°C. To use this CRM, allow it to reach room temperature. Open the ampule and withdraw an aliquot appropriate for your application. Mix it gently by inversion. Inspect for precipitate. If present, sonicate for a few minutes to redissolve.
Fill a 1000 mL Class A flask with about 900 mL organic free reagent water. Pipet exactly 1.0 mL of the ampule concentrate into the flask. Bring the flask to volume with reagent water and mix well. This represents the sample for analysis by your normal method.
Report in units of μg/L.
Certifled concentration is based upon the gravimetric/volumetric true value when prepared according to instructions.
Acceptance limits are based upon USEPA Drinking Water and Non-Potable Water Interlaboratory Studies.
Traceability Information
Analyte Source Materials: The highest purity analyte source materials are used in the manufacture of this standard. The actual purity is referenced above.
Method: This CRM was verified Volumetrically
Balance: AlI analytical balances are calibrated on a semiannual basis by an ISO 17025 accredited calibration laboratory and are traceable to NIST. Traceable Calibration Certificate available upon request.
All balances are checked daily by an in-house standard operating procedure. The weights used for this daily verification are calibrated annually by an ISO 17025 accredited calibration laboratory and are certified traceable to NIST. Certificate of Calibration and Traceability available upon request.
Thermometer: All thermometers are NIST traceable through thermometers that are calibrated annually by an ISO 17025 accredited calibration laboratory.
Glassware: All glassware used in the manufacture of our reference materials is Class A. An in-house standard operating procedure is used to verify all glassware prior to it being placed into service. Volumetric pipetors are calibrated every four months by an ISO 17025 accredited calibration laboratory.
Intended Uses
Calibration of analytical instruments
Validation of analytical methods
Preparation of working level reference materials, i.e. "check standards"
Detection limit studies
This CRMwas thoroughly mixed in production and is guaranteed homogeneous.