Certificate Of Analysis
Catalog No. 20275XM
Lot No. C0020949
Product name: AMOZ-D5in Methanol
中文名称: 甲醇中AMOZ-D5
Quantity: Not less than 1mL
General information:

Concentration: 100.0μg/mL
Uncertainty: ±3%(k=2)
Storage: -18℃ and dark
Date Certified: 2021-05-04
Expiration: 2023-05-04
CAS NO.: 1017793-94-0
Formula: C8H10D5N3O3
Mol. Weight: 206.25
Description: Clear liquid
lsotopic Purity:-
Instructions for handing and correct use:
The RM should be equilibrated to room temperature and shaken prior to useThe concentration with its uncertainty is guara nteed in the range between(20+4)℃The expiry date is valid for original sealed bottles under recommended storage conditi ons only. Open slowly and carefully to avoid dispersion of the material.
Intended use:
For laboratory analysis only,not for drug,household or other uses Uncertainty:The reported uncertainty is the expanded uncertainty estimated in accordance with ISO 17034 with a coverage factor k=2,c orresponding to a level ofconfidence ofabout 95%.
Measurement traceability:
Traceability to SI has been established through an unbroken chain ofcomparisons,each having stated uncertainties. All Tra ceability to SI has been established through an unbroken chain ofcomparisonseach having stated uncertainties. All analyti cal balances and Class A glassware used in manufacturing andquality control are calibrated by an accredited calibration lab oratory.
Treat as hazardous substance.Use appropriate work practices when handling to avoid skin or eye contact, ingestion or inhal ation.